You Don't Have To Separate You Work Life From Your Spiritual Life
Unless you're in a spiritual profession (tarot reader, yoga teacher, astrologer, life coach, healer, etc.) or live on the west coast, why does it feel so sensitive/vulnerable/edgy to say that you roll with a higher power — ancestors, wisdom, the planets, spirit, divination, God, the PTBs (Powers That Be, as my teacher likes to say) or whatever you call it?
Why do I feel like this is some huge reveal that will discredit me?
Like, because I pray and talk to the Moon and trust divine timing I'm somehow anti-data, anti-science, or just silly?
Why is it okay to make decisions about where to move and what to do based on job opportunities and relationships, but not on the stars?
Maybe this is my internalized whiteness rearing its conditioned head.
It feels like, in this country, and especially if we are on the political left, we're allowed to be involved in a socially acceptable organized religion in a secular way, but we're not allowed to be overtly, primarily spiritual.
My teacher always talks about NOT compartmentalizing our lives—putting spirituality in one basket and everything else in another.
I'm here to say that I have found profound guidance in letting spirituality be the umbrella of my life, under which everything else falls.
I have found profound relaxation in showing up as my whole self in all situations instead of switching hats based on my audience or environment.
Does everyone get/like/feel comfortable around me? Very no.
But what do I gain when I hide? Nothing I really want, it turns out.