What Even Is A Content Strategist?
Hi, I'm Rebecca and I'm a Content Strategist.
A question I get a lot is: What even is a Content Strategist?
Short answer: Someone who devises an effective plan of action around the communication of a business (and probably does some copywriting to that effect).
I used to call myself a Marketing Consultant. But there are so many aspects to marketing that “marketing consultant” could honestly mean anything.
And, in the beginning, before I was clear on my niche, it did. I built websites, tinkered with Google ads, managed social media accounts, wrote sales pages. You name it.
It took a while to realize that my heart and soul is in strategy—zooming out, getting the bird's eye view., looking at the whole business, seeing all the moving parts, getting them to work together.
But what I love—my bread and butter, my ride or die, my raison d'etre—is expression. Full, unimpeded, crystal clear, heart-striking, precise, concise, expression.
Or, as we say in the marketing world, content.
With one caveat . . .It has to serve the common good.
I'm not out here marketing for marketing's sake, trying to give any old business an effective mouthpiece.
I'm here to help do-gooders—healers, activists, artists, creatives, leaders, social entrepreneurs—do good.
So, if this is you (which I'm guessing it is if you signed up for this email list) c'mon by Content Strategy Cafe and get your questions answered around what to say, how to say it, and where/when to post it online.